Congratulations on Victory Day!
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Institute employees passed the GTO standards

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Institute employees passed the GTO standards
18  12.2023
The standards were passed in two stages. The second stage of testing the GTO complex took place on December 13-15, 2023.

Head of the Microbiology Laboratory Dmitry Valerievich Kryazhev and senior researcher laboratory of the epidemiology of viral hepatitis Artem Aleksandrovich Zalesskikh fulfilled the standards in the tests “flexion and extension of the arms in a prone position”, “60 m running”, “1000 m running”, “50 m swimming”, “shooting from an electronic weapon”, “ kettlebell snatch 16 kg", "bend forward from a standing position on a gymnastic bench" and "raising the body from a supine position (1 minute)".
Based on the test results, D.V. Kryazhev marked gold, and Zalesskikh A.A. bronze insignia of the GTO complex.